Sunday, February 6, 2011

7. Letters and Lies

the worship music died away with a prayer from one of the students and Pearl plopped down next to me. She was breathing heavily and sweat beads crowned her brow. She looked down at my journal. When I noticed her eyes tracing my page I shut it and placed it back into my bag. The speaker did his little song and dance the crowd cheered and laughed at all the cued moments. His words flowed past me as I surveyed the gym and the students it held.
The thought hit me. I was no longer one of them. I Timmarie Kay Coaling was no longer a college student. Heat hit my face. My heart started to race. What on Earth did I do? I leaned forward trying to catch my breath. A quick breeze started to hit my face. I heard fluttering. Dr. Black was waving a piece of Nissa’s sketch pad causing air to flow. She grinned and continued to look at the speaker. The batting of the air never stopped. She only put the paper down when the students were all dismissed.
“Miss Nissa Bach, has informed me, you have withdrawn from school and bought a house.” Dr. Black starred at me waiting for an answer. I nodded.
“So am I going to see this house?” I nodded again. “Good Nissa invited me for falafels next week. I will see you then.”
“Hey TIM!”
I swung around to see Issica stomping towards me. He thick soled shoes clomping along making her walk awkwardly and choppy.
“Here! Your brother told me to give this to you.” Issac swung an envelope out like a disco dancer points his finger.  “Sorry I opened it. I thought it was for me.  He also left a box for you at my apartment.” Issica raised her hand in the air and yelled at some guy and began to run off. She half tossed the envelope in my hands.
Without a class I began to walk home.  I opened the letter to read on my way.      
            Dear Timmy,
                        I am sorry you had to leave so quickly. It was nice to see you for the time that we had. I understand why you left. Please give him time. Alex is going some rough stuff and he needs your prayers. Please call us and please don’t be mad anymore.  We are coming up for parents’ weekend so we can see you and make up for some of the time we missed this summer. 

Colossians 3:8 - But now  you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.

Ephesians 4:31-32 - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

After screaming my frustration in my mind over the scriptures my mom added, I calmly glanced over the letter again. My parents were coming. They never visited. Why now? I knew the answer. Because I hadn’t been calling. I had always had a descent relationship with my mother but this summer had taken its toll. I hadn’t even been calling her like I used to. Partly because I didn’t want to give away that I wasn’t attending college and partly because I was mad that she had taken Alex’s side once again.
“The squeaky wheel gets the oil.” I spoke my thoughts allowed.
“What?” I swung around saw Rose walking behind me with her friend Mary or Martha or whatever her name is. “Miha are you talking to yourself?” Rose gave a concerned smile.
I raised the letter for her to see. “A letter from my mom. I haven’t been calling her so she sent me a letter via Alex.”
“Another attempt to get you and him to see each other on campus?” Rose queried.
I shook my head. I didn’t want to say too much in front of Roses friend. I wait from the girl to turn off to return to her dorm or say good bye and head to class. When we reached the edge of the campus and she crossed the road with us I knew she must be heading to our vagabond house. I gritted my teeth.
Rose picked up on the silence. “So Timmy do you remember Marie?”
I smiled and said “Of course.” I beamed a bright smile and tried to lift my eye lids to match the forced smile on my face.
The girls blanched. I turned my head and continued to walk this time a little faster.
“I love your skirt? Did you get that at the corner store in the mall?” Maire asked
“Yeah, I picked it up on clearance a couple years back.” I patted my pencil skirt proud that it was still in good condition.
“I have that skirt! Only in brown and not black and I think it is a little longer.” The girl twirled her finger at the end of the comment as if to add extra punctuation.
“Marie and I are making American tacos for lunch. You want some?  We could use the help making them.”
“No thank you I am not every hungry.” My stomach growled and denoted my lie. “JUST Joking” I gave a half hearted laugh. “I would love to have some.”

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