Sunday, February 6, 2011

3. The Grandfather

“My Granddad was a very modest and wise man.  After he died I also found out he was a very wealthy man. He didn’t spend his money on himself he just kinda held on to it until he would hear about a family who needed  help. His favorite way of helping families out was to pay for their kid’s college.   No one knows the exact number but so far I know of 20 kids he has foot the bill for. Now that I am in college I get a check from his lawyer once a year to cover all my college expenses, classes, dorms, food, gas and even entertainment money. While I am really grateful for this opportunity to go to school… I am not a very good student. Actually I am a horrible student. But I have friends who are good students.  So if I can help them out then I am kinda keeping on my Granddad’s legacy. And I know that I could give them cheaper rent here. Plus all I want to do is work retail and look around us there are tons of retail stores surrounding this house.  Cheap on gas.” I paused she was just staring at the check in her hands. “Plus the check is in my name not in the schools. I have more money in savings.  Not much but um… well can I buy this house?”
Laughter brusted from her lips as tears continued to stream down her face. “Can you buy this house? He is so going to kick himself. God! I can’t believe this. You are seriously my angel if you really do mean to buy this house.” I held my hand out to pat her but instead I let it linger. Not knowing how to respond I just made myself comfortable and waited.
When she finally calmed down she apologized and let her story flow. Evidently this “Jack” character once was married but left his wife for the woman in front of me.  Or so she thought.  They have a two year old child together who was now living with her parents because he refused to claim as his and she couldn’t support the child on her own.  Instead of paying child support he gave this struggling mother a job but continues to take all the best clients. She knows she shouldn’t work for him but I think she hopes he and her will end up together and they would be a family with her daughter. The worst part is that Jack started seeing another woman as soon as his divorce from his wife went through.
I watch her as her whole messy story tangled before me. This strong woman who I was too scared to speak to is nothing but a mess with a shiny coat of paint. I finally laid my hand on her back and she leaned into me for a hug. Flustered I reached for the business card she handed me and I had shoved in my pocket. I read on it  “Audry Turk”.  I began to quietly pray to know what to do for this Audry.
I don’t know how long we sat there. She was baring her ugly scars as if I was a surgeon. Audry let me crash on her couch as we started the paperwork for me to buy the house. We later discussed how she could get hired on to another realisate firm with this sold house under her belt. She told me of the plans she had made for her and her daughter, Scarlet. I convinced her to take “Jack” to court to get him to pay child support. I wish I could have been there when Audry told him how she sold the house.  Audry said she had to mop him up off the floor. He even tried to slide in and take the credit but I refused to speak to him, I would only work with Audry. They had a lot of problems with the property that was why “Jack” gave her the house to sell. Somehow everything worked out smoothly for me to buy it. There wasn’t one hitch in the entire process which Audry told me was a miracle and that the star she wished on was the luckiest star in the sky.  Of course I would have to say that the house was a blessing. The previous owner tried to flip the house but ran out of money. When he went to sell it no one wanted to buy a house in the middle of a shopping strip mall and because of some funky zoning laws the developers couldn’t buy the house to make into a store or something like that. Audry tried to explain it all. From what I gathered I could buy the house and let my friends live there with me.

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